al safa owner
Al Safa Living consists development of approx718000 Sqft. The vessel AL SAFA IMO. Al Safa 1 Area Guide Dubai World Most Beautiful Place Beautiful Places Beaches In The World In-charge of Business Venture development in Al Safar Group Mr. . The success of the community is the success of Al Safa. I am the owner and founder of Al Safa Commerce BV. See 79 large family homes private villas cottages cabins and condos in Al-Safa. Learn more about our safety precautions QUALITY SAFETY ASSURANCE If we wouldnt give it to our families we wouldnt give it to you either. The Owner the Architect fellow staff members contractors and suppliers Throughout the life of the project. The vessel is en route to the port of Dalian sailing at a speed of 95 knots and expected to arrive there on Aug 4 5 PM. Al Safar has launched and maintained deployment of various business franchise. I am the owner and founder of Al Safa Commerce BV...